
We Deliver Innovative Integrated Lighting Solutions & Dimensional Experiences


Complete suite of lighting and automation solutions for Interior and Exterior projects including:


We are specialist on façade architectural lighting design

Our lighting design will reflect the style given to each space. After a brief from the architect, we try our best to respect the architectural design and the concept behind by highlighting the architecture elements. By focusing on the architecture detail where we will try to implement the fixtures in a discreet way, but also respect the choice of material by choosing the right color temperature to each surface.


Interior lighting design solving human essential needs

Our lighting design will reflect the style given to each space. The lighting layout also can has different styles, it can be classical by respecting the symmetry in the room and by using a typical lighting distribution with typical indirect lighting detail and it can be more modern by focusing on the architecture detail where we will try to implement the fixtures in a discreet way.


Light quality and uniformity

With the right beam distribution and the right power consumption we reduced the number of fixtures in half and provided more pleasant environment for the basement floor where the dramatic effect caused by the narrow beam spotlight distribution was replaced by a more uniform and homogeneous environment with wide beam spotlight distribution.

Our Partners in success.